Thursday, January 30, 2014

Welcome to the new "Community Dolls" Blog. I am Andromeda Lamplight, Andi for short. I have been a doll in Second Life for about two years now.

For those not familiar with Community Dolls, we are a sorority of dolls and doll lovers within the virtual world of Second Life. There is a website available that can explain more about us Community Dolls was created by Christina Halpin several years ago. I will let her tell her own story when she is ready.

This Blog is part of a new phase for the Community Dolls. We have a new home and what I like to think of as a "new mission." I'd like to bring all doll players in SL into one larger community where we celebrate what it is to be or be with dolls. To that end Community Dolls will be hosting at our new home a regular series of open forms/group discussions on a variety of topics related to doll play. Specifics are not all in place yet but it is my intention that the transcripts of the discussions will be posted here for those who cannot attend live and in person.This blog will also be used by some dolls as a journal to write down her thoughts on being a doll.

SO, you've heard me mention "new home" a couple times now. I thought a good way to kick off this blog would be with a posting of images from the new home. I hope you enjoy.

The first image is of the dollhouse's lounge area. This is where the group discussions will be held.
Dolls enjoying the new furniture
The next two are of the "boudoir." This is a Roleplaying area where we can get inside our dolls and bring them to life. This will also be the space where new dolls are made.

Dollies playing dressup
Bride doll getting ready for her big day
We have a wall lined with doll display cases.

Dolls presented for your pleasure
Here you see our dollhouse from the outside; My doll sisters and I posing prettily for the camera.

 And, Dolly Mei suggested that the Japanese Dollhouse have Japanese dolls..

 I'm so excited. I hope you are too.. I already know we're going to be a success.

Dolly Andi

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